Mark gets his picture in the paper
Yes, that old hard copy thing that we used to read back in the day. The "gets your fingers all black" paper. And with his dog, no less...
A couple of weeks back, there was a Public Safety Meeting in Inwood Hill Park organized by Inwood Runners, a group I sometimes join in my runs through the park. It was co-sponsored by Several candidates for Manhattan Borough President came, and a lovely, lively civic-minded time was had by all. Unless, of course, you read Adam Chimera's article in the NY Press covering the event. In it, he claims that a "pitchforks-and-torches" crowd of angry "space pirates" (whatever the heck that means), outsiders all, were trying to force the city to create a Police State of our lovely nature preserve.
This slanted piece of Pseudo-reporting, prefaced by a strange rambling reminiscence of his drunken high school days spent sneaking into the park to get wasted with his friends, totally mischaracterized the whole event, and maligned the good people of Inwood. So, all ahuff, I dashed off a letter to the editor. (Plus, I wanted to thank him for running such a flattering picture of me and Stiva - I looked all buff!)
They published my response in this week's edition of the paper, so at least I feel like my civic-mindedness had a payoff.
Unfortunately, they didn't run the photo in the online edition...but for those who are curious, here's a picture of my little Miniature Pinscher:
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