Cooking class at Johnson and Wales

Chef Bloise focuses on an eclectic interpretation of Vietnamese cuisine, the food of his mother's culture. He showed us how to make Chao Tom, minced shrimp on sugar cane skewers with a traditional nuoc cham sauce.

We were also treated to 2 demonstrations by Chef Chris Wagner, Director of Culinary Operations and one of the instructors at JWU. He showed us how to make a traditional Apple Streudel from his native Germany, and an inventive Monkfish on a Cappellini Cake with Spicy Mini Ratatouille Chive Sauce.
Look for video podcasts of all three dishes in the near future, as well as a Culinary Roundtable of our tour of the campus with Chef Bruce Ozga, Dean of Culinary Education. On it, we hear about the amazing facilities at JWU, and reflections on the philosophy behind the Johnson and Wales experience.

food, food podcast, cooking, recipe, Johnson and Wales, cooling school, ReMARKable Palate, Culinary Podcast Network, Gilded Fork
Labels: cooking school, miami
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